Paul Pro T
By Nasca, Richard J
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The adventures of Paul Pro T, a golf ball from birth to hole in one. Includes high quality color illustrations, a glossary of golf terms and how to get started in youth golf. It gives youngsters a taste of golf. A good way for parents and grandparents to introduce golf to their children and grandchildren. The test group of young readers liked the story line and illustrations. "A great little adventure book for aspiring golfers which can generate lots of fun conversations at bedtime!" Tom V Morris PhD author of The Oasis Within, The Golden Palace, and other books. "I liked the ball retriever rescue of Paul Pro T and the golf dictionary" Sam Bertram age 10 "In this charming story, Richard has shared an inspiring story about the life of a golf ball. Children will enjoy this insight, I surely did !" Greg Lecker PGA, Director of Golf, Sawgrass Country Club. Pete Dye/Alice Dye, noted golf course architects" this is a wonderful book for youngsters to learn golf basics" "Fun to read and I liked the ending!" Ledger Frelke age 8 "A fantastic book to introduce juniors to the game of golf and important golf terms through a fun story".Justin Bush, PGA, Director of Junior Golf, Country Club of Landfall


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