If you’ve read my first four books in the “My Journey” series and are curious what stories I maytell next, you don’t have long to wait. On the first day of March in 2019, I sat down at mycomputer and once again began to bring more of my past memories to life. Some days I’dproduce only one short story and on other days I’d write up to two or three at a time. Workingevery day, for the following five weeks, fifty-seven new ones were completed for my fifth booktitled, Moments Within My Journey…Stories to be Shared.It’s another collection I hope you’ll enjoy. Up until this book, I’ve tried to keep all my storiespositive and didn’t include any of the really negative things that have been a part of my life. In acouple of cases in this fifth book, I decided to tell about a few life experiences I wish had neveroccurred. Life, being the way it is, subjects us all to certain things we just can’t avoid. Inlooking back now, I’ve become aware I wouldn’t be the same caring and reflective person without those events as part of my journey. I’m glad I’ve chosen to share just a few of them withyou, so you’ll know I’m a normal person.My sincere desire is that you read all of these additional stories, and they cause you to go back intime, so you can recall many of your own personal memories. Maybe, when you finish reading,you’ll want to start writing a collection of stories taken from special moments in your life. Indoing so, you’ll create a family legacy that those who come after you will treasure for many years to come.
the shoeshine guy